Champion Inspect was Built from Real Estate and by Surveying Over 200 Real Estate Professionals Like You! – We Asked What Was Most Needed in the Home Inspection Industry, You Told Us and We Listened... Using That Feedback, We Created the Most Trusted & Efficient Home Inspection Company in Utah.
When I started as a Home Inspector 7 years ago after being exposed to the home building industry for over 24 years, I've seen my fair share of inspectors and back in the day it wasn't uncommon to see older inspectors who would put marbles on the floor of every home they inspected. If the marble rolled even slightly in one direction, they would state in the inspection report that the home was sinking and a structural engineer needed to test its foundation. This method, of course, isn’t a reliable way to uncover serious structural problems. The only thing it proves is that the house is settling—which is hardly unusual.
When Both Parties can Build a Respectful and Professional Relationship Together, Your Clients Reap the Rewards.
I’ve personally seen dozens of home sales fall apart because of these types of exaggerations, so I understand why Real Estate professionals are sometimes skeptical about Home Inspectors. Many Agents dropped Inspectors like this because they didn’t trust them to provide accurate information to their clients. I’ve even seen Agents turned off by results they thought were embellished. Agents would make comments like, the inspector was too quick to list insignificant items such as misaligned doors on kitchen cabinets, needlessly alarming buyers. But I’ve seen my fair share of unscrupulous agents, as well.
When I speak at Real Estate offices across the Wasatch Front, I often encounter animosity from Agents who view Inspections as a roadblock to the home sale. It often feels like Home Inspectors and Agents are on opposing teams, but the truth is we need each other. We rely on each other’s expertise to give consumers a quality home buying experience, so why don’t we trust each other more?
We’ve each done something wrong once or twice to make an inspection go less smoothly than it could have.
Luckily for me I built this Inspection Company from my Real Estate background giving me the unique perspective that only comes from being a full time Realtor, I know that at a minimum a transaction can be handle by a least 35 other people than the Realtor, and every step of the way jeopardizing the fragile deal. Rest assured that our approach is one that is received with understanding of any issues and how to over come them, We focus on delivering the pertinent facts to the clients so they could make an informed decision for themselves, This perspective is what keeps and separates us from the rest.
Through the years I have seen Agents try to have my Inspectors exclude items inappropriately. Some insisted we exclude legitimate problems with a home on the inspection reports to keep from, in their mind, blowing a deal. A conscientious Inspector won’t compromise the inspection at the expense of the buyer’s best interest. (That’s often how Home Inspectors get sued.) One such instants comes to mind, I inspected a deck that was fastened to a home using outdated and improper materials. Decks can fall off houses if not attached properly, so it was reported as an issue. The Agent I was working with insisted that section be remove from the report because other homes in the neighborhood had the same issue. After I refused to comply, I stated that the home although has opportunities, it was stated at the time of inspections and in the report, that these issues were curable and were just the facts as of the inspection, Unfortunately, I never heard from that Agent again. And to be honest, if they had ever called, I wouldn’t have performed another inspection for them.
We're Not Alarmists. We Understand We are There to Serve the Client. There Will be Potential Repairs Suggested on the Report, but We Write Reports in a Way to Minimize Fears and Doubts. FACT Based Knowledge, NOT Fear.
Trust has to be Earned.
Trust is a two-way street that both Inspectors and Agents must be willing to travel. You need to trust that I, as a Home Inspector, won’t unnecessarily undermine the sale. I need you to trust my knowledge and have confidence that I am reporting issues your buyers need to know in order to make an educated buying decision—even if, sometimes, it makes them think twice about the purchase. If our relationship breaks down over lack of trust, it’s your clients who will ultimately lose.
See the Difference
Champion Inspect can Make for Your Business at our Realtor Benefits Page

Champion's Honest Inspectors pride themselves in being honest and trustworthy. You not only can be
confident that you’ll receive accurate home inspection services, but you’ll feel comfortable about having us in your home.
You can rest at ease knowing that Champion Inspect will always put the client first, All personal and inspection information is kept extremely confidential with Champion Inspect.
While Champion Inspect offers onsite inspections, we also love to consult and give advice and knowledge whenever questions arise. Call or email us with any questions regarding your home or what
we do.
Champion Inspectors recognize that just like us, you have a busy life and we strive to waste as little of it as possible. When
an appointment is set, it is kept.
Along with our thorough inspections, you’ll also receive quality reports that are typed with documented photos. Our inspections and reports are done in a manner that is easy to understand and have applicable information.
We are a family oriented company and our goal is to ensure each of our clients is treated the way we would want our families treated. Common courtesy isn’t always so common in the home and environmental inspection industry, but Champion Inspect recognizes that we are in a service oriented business, so we always deliver full and courteous service.
Whether it’s climbing through your attic to crawling through dirty crawlspaces, Champion Inspectors offer a level of service that can’t be matched. We recognize the trust and financial investment you are putting in us and we take it very seriously that we provide a completely thorough environmental inspection.
Above and beyond being just general contractors, we have years of experience in real life applications of solving inspection problems. We are adept at providing cost-effective solutions for lead testing, radon testing, mold testing, meth testing, asbestos testing, and more.